Glórtha Ciotacha | Awkward Voices
‘Glórtha Ciotacha’ - Ag Samhlú Domhan Úr - sraith dátheangach Ghlór na Móna le haíonna iomráiteacha a bhfuil saineolas acu sa stair, sa pholaitíocht, san fhealsúnacht, sa tsochtheangeolaíocht agus araile | ‘Awkward Voices’ - Imagining a New World - Glór na Móna’s bilingual podcast with prominent activists, writers and academics covering history, politics, philosophy, sociology, sociolinguistics, health and environment.
Glórtha Ciotacha | Awkward Voices
Bernadette McAliskey
‘Empowering the voiceless and building a better world’
This episode goes back to when the Awkward Voices podcast first began on Zoom and Youtube during the pandemic in 2021 and we are thrilled to now have it available on Spotify too. Bernadette McAliskey as you know is a renowned human rights activist, social justice campaigner and internationalist socialist republican and feminist who was the youngest ever female to get elected to Westminster in 1969, aged just 21, as a leading figure in the Civil Rights Movement. At the time of this interview she was the Director of the South Tyrone Empowerment Project (or STEP) the community development organisation who work with and on behalf of the migrant community.
Here Bernadette McAliskey is interviewed by our comrade and human rights activist Marissa McMahon who is an inspiring organiser with PPR (the Participation and Practice of Rights) group, campaigning particularly around issues of housing and homelessness. Bainigí sult as an chomhrá iontach seo.